Your Color Style
Your Color Style
Your Blushing Colors
One of your signature colors is your blushing colors. These are the colors that you can wear to feel romantic and appear more approachable. Listen and learn what your blushing colors and how you can wear them.
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Welcome to the your color style podcast where we talk about wearing color in ways that help you express your true authentic, amazing self. We dive deep into topics like color theory, color analysis, Authenticity, and your signature colors. I'm your host, Jen Vax, founder of your color style. Welcome to the podcast. Welcome to season four, Episode Three of the your color style podcast. Today we're going to be talking about one of the five signature colors that you can wear to express your true self your authentic self and they are called. And this color is called the blushing colors now it's exactly what it sounds like when I use the word blushing. These are going to be the colors that are the natural blush and flesh of your cheeks. They are likely the same colors that you would wear for makeup, blush and lipstick. And you probably have an idea of what blush and lipstick looks good on. You know, if you don't. No worries we're going to work through in this episode a few different tips that you can figure out what is your best blushing colors. I also recommend that if you want a little bit more help, one of the best things you could probably do is go to a professional makeup counter someone that you trust a brand that you trust, and the blush colors that they choose for you are going to be part of your blushing color palette. Now there's going to be a little bit of a range of those colors. So let's go ahead and dive in and talk a little bit more about what a blushing color is, and why you would wear it. Your blushing colors are going to likely be your reds and pinks of your color palette. And these are the colors that you would wear to appear more approachable, more friendly. They're your romantic colors. Often we assume that you know wearing red is a romantic color. But when I say romantic, I'm referring more to more intimates more approachable. As I said friendly, red is going to be more bold, more powerful, more sexy. And that's actually one of more one of your power colors. When we're talking about blushing colors, we're taking it down just a notch. So they're going to be your reds and pinks and you're ranging omos into your purples for your blushing colors. Alright, so how do we know what your blushing colors are? Well, again, they're going to be your colors that you wear as a blush, but let's break it down a little bit in the your color style methodology. Okay, so in your color style when we're looking at and figuring out the colors that are going to flatter you best that are going to be in the most harmonious with your coloring and tone. We have three steps. The first step is brightness, and you're going to hear me go through these three steps all the time when I talk about your color style, but it really does help you figure out the types of colors that are going to really resonate with you. So let's talk about the brightness first. You will likely wear either brighter colors best or softer colors best. So for me for example, I wear brighter colors best so imagine a perfectly a perfect color. Like we'll just say red or pink with no white or black added it's just a pure color. That's a bright color right that's a brightest Chroma and then you can add white to lighten it which does soften a little bit or you could add black to darken it which will also solve it a little bit but you start with a brighter color first. So if you were brighter colors best, then you're going to be looking for brighter, blushing tones, blushing colors for your signature colors. Okay, so for example, if you are someone that wears brighter colors best, a bright, light pink, for example, might be one of your blushing colors. My dad who right now has white hair and bright blue eyes looks great and a light bright pink, that would be one of his blushing colors. This is true for men as well. If you want to appear more approachable, you can wear your blushing colors combined with a color that you might feel more masculine whether it's a dark green, or dark blue, navy blue. And the same is true for women. You want to feel more approachable or feel quote unquote pretty the blushing colors are going to be extremely flattering on you. The next thing so that was bright by the way and for saw think about colors that are going to be slightly great and muted so a grayish pink for example, a earthier red, or tomato red those are going to be softer colors that might be more flattering on you for me wearing an earthy tomato red on me is is not as flattering. It's a little bit too well too earthy for me but if you have softer tones, warm undertones with earthy qualities that might be one of your blushing colors. Okay, the next step is your undertones whether you have cool undertones, a woman or tones that I know that this can be extremely troubling, we talk about makeup because sometimes you might appear neutral, but I'm going to go through the basics. And by the way, if you need visuals if you need lots of photo examples to help you kind of figure out what your blushing colors are. I highly recommend you check out the membership just because there is a course included called discover your signature colors that has an entire chapter on blushing colors, including printables. You don't need to do that. I also have videos out on YouTube, but I'm just letting you know that there is a resource out there for you if you really want to dive deep. Alright we'll get back to our topic in just a moment. Are you struggling to figure out what your most flattering colors are? Then take the your color style color analysis quiz at your color style.com slash quiz. That's your color style.com slash quiz. It's free and it will walk you through three steps with lots of photo examples to help you learn your best colors. So go to your color style comm slash quiz undertones so if you've got cool undertones and and you may not know but if you do, You're blushing colors are going to likely be from the light or deep true Red Ribbon not the brightest red because that's your power color. And you're going to start to add blue to that cooling that color down and going into those magenta Pink's so cool blue Pink's pink. True like light red like a like a nice slightly light red or a darker red. tipping over into the cool side of the color wheel and in that blue. You could probably depending on your preference go to a very blue pink. Almost going to kind of like a pinkish purple if you want if that's what you feel is that resonates with you. Those are going to be your your blushing colors now if you were softer colors best that are going to wear a softer version of those colors that if you were brighter colors best you're going to wear better versions of those colors. Okay. Now if you've got warm undertones, it's you can still wear some of those pinks but be careful you don't want too much of a blue pink. So you're going to maybe add just a touch of blue to that true red. You can probably go as cool as that. But then we're going to add yellow instead that true red, and so going over into the tomato reds, we're looking now we're looking at coral pinks, those orangey or salmon colors. Those are going to be colors that are going to be more flattering if you have warm undertones and those will be your blushing colors. For me. I wear coral pinks and those salmon colors really really well. Because I have warm undertones. And again, if you have if you wear brighter color special were brighter versions of that. It doesn't mean you have to wear a super bright color on your skin. You're going to sometimes especially with blush, soft and bright kind of look the same which is perfectly fine. But when you're wearing a lipstick, it might be that a brighter lip looks better on you than a softer one. Again, you might have to just experiment and play with this but now that you have this idea, you might want to go out to the makeup store buy some inexpensive colors and play. If you have your color fan, you're going to find your blushing colors in your reds and pinks and you can go and match those in the store. That's another option for you. Okay, so that's how you so we have we've got the Chroma the bright versus soft, we had the warm versus cool. And then the last is your depth. Because right now you if you're fair like me I'm very fair I'm very light I have light hair, skin and eyes so lighter colors are going to be more harmony with me. wearing a dark makeup on me a darker color isn't as flattering. doesn't mean you can't wear darker colors by the way, but we're talking about blushing colors. And that formula of that approachable doesn't mean deep, bold colors necessarily or high contrast. So we're going more into the harmony of your natural skin color right? So you've got your depth, so if you're about medium until mid or you have medium dark eyes, medium hair, you can go into the medium range of those blushing colors. And if you are deep, you're going to probably want the deeper versions of those colors. The one exception to the rule might be if you are someone that is bright, cool and deep in your color style, you demand more of a high contrast and so some of the rules are broken. You might actually want the brightest pink or the brightest red even though it's also going to likely be your power color because that brightness and contrast is most flattering on you. You may actually be able to pull off an icy color where someone who else is deep and warm cannot do that. So there's a little bit of rules that are broken there for someone who's bright, cool and deep. But as a general rule, go with what is her most harmonious with your overall skin and tone so if your light were lighter colors light to medium, if your medium right there's that sweet spot of medium colors and if you're deep go with medium to deep colors and that is your blushing colors. Now again if you need visuals, there's there's videos out on YouTube. There is your color fans that you can refer to and of course the course with your printables and lots of photo examples and the Discover your signature colors. course and by the way you can find that the membership if you go to your color style.com slash member you'll find that course with that's included in that membership. But again, the blushing colors for me is one of my favorite signature colors. When I wear my blushing colors. I just I personally just feel very feminine, very pretty. I it's my go to color for videos for interviews when I go out at night on a date with my husband. I really liked to wear those colors I gravitate often to my blushing colors when I'm shopping. It is a color that can really go with a lot of things too. So if you're thinking about how you might wear that blushing color, well obviously wear it as a top, find scarves in it bags in it, maybe even shoes in it your nail polish is a great way to introduce that color into your color palette as well as your lipstick and blush obviously, but then you can pair it with colors that are on the opposite side of the color wheel so deep all of greens navy blue, you know your blushing colors are going to feel warm for you though it's your kind of your warm version of colors so play with pairing it with a cooler color and have some fun with it. Even a turquoise green or deep turquoise green can be very interesting with your blushing colors. So that is your blushing colors one of the five signature colors. in future episodes we're going to dive deep into the other four signature colors. I'm Jen Vax with your color style.com and thank you so much for listening