Your Color Style
Your Color Style
The Power of Wearing Your Signature Colors
Wearing your signature colors can be a true expression of self. Listen and learn what a signature is, your five signature colors and how you can wear them to:
- feel more like you
- create a personal brand
- feel balanced
- feel powerful
Take the color analysis quiz
Join the ColorStyle Membership
Check out Jen's book "That's My Color: Discover Your 5 Signature Colors And Transform Your Life" on Amazon
Welcome to the your color style podcast where we talk about wearing color in ways that help you express your true authentic, amazing self. We dive deep into topics like color theory, color analysis, Authenticity, and your signature colors. I'm your host, Jen Vax, founder of your color style. Welcome to the podcast. Welcome to season four, Episode Two of the your color style podcast. Today we're going to be talking about the power of wearing a signature color. You know, one of the things that I love about color analysis and wearing color is that it can be a true expression of self. When we get excited about finding out our you know, most flattering colors, we're given this full color palette, this full spectrum of colors, all the colors that are going to be harmonious with your coloring, skin tone, eye color, hair color, but the reality is, is that not all those colors are going to resonate with you. Just because someone says that a color will look good on you doesn't mean that you necessarily want to wear it. It could be for a variety of reasons. But I believe it's because we're always sort of seeking who we are to our core and how we want to put ourselves out there. How do we want to express ourselves and how do we wear color in a way that really makes us feel like ourselves, not trying to be like someone else not trying to be louder, bolder or quieter. Just being true to your nature. And wearing the colors that express that and I think that for me is where the concept of a signature color comes into play. As I said when you first get your color type, you get a full spectrum of colors. But even for me, I don't wear all of them. I mean I know that what colors will flatter me but I don't gravitate to all those colors, I gravitate to only a few. And although I don't have any science or data to back this up, I'm going to say that there is the 8020 rule being applied here. Meaning that even though you have all those colors, you're likely only going to wear about 20% of those colors 80% of the time. And the other colors are there for you to experiment with and maybe maybe you decide that you'd like something later on or you're experimenting with different colors. So your signature color. I define it in the colors that are your go to colors. Now. I would say that's different than defaults. And the reason I say that is because if you don't know what colors really might flatter you and when I use the word flatter I being really in harmony with your your skin tone, your undertones, eye color, what's what's going to be really in harmony with you so that when you wear that color, it enhances you versus overpowering you or draining you. Right? A lot of people if you don't know that, what those colors are will default to black default to gray or a neutral because you don't know what else to wear. But when you finally kind of figure out what your color type is in your color style, then you can start to play around and you might start to gravitate towards certain colors. those colors that you gravitate towards, are in a way your go to colors and can become your signature color. I use the word signature because in a way it is the colors that truly reflect you and the statement that you might want to make. So let me give you an example. I gravitate a lot to coral pinks and blushy pinks and maybe peaches even and brighter watermelon Pink's brighter versions and lighter versions I'm bright woman light in your color style so where brighter colors best the softer tones don't suit me, but I always gravitate towards those. And it's because I when I put that color on especially like a peachy pink. It is extremely flattering on me it picks up all the right tones in my skin. I put on some gold jewelry and I feel very pretty. You'll if you see me on YouTube, I wear those colors a lot. If I'm on zoom calls, I wear those colors a lot. I just feel good and those colors that look good on camera. There you go. It's one of my signature colors. It's also a color that when people see a color, they associate you with it that's how you also might know that you have a signature color. Another color that I gravitate towards and you can have more than one signature color by the way affecting your color style. There are five and I will list those for you in a minute. But I really also gravitate towards TEALS and turquoises and bright light blues. I never used to I never used to gravitate towards blue but given that my eye colors have a lot of the turquoise and TEALS and blues and greens in it. It's another really flattering color and I will gravitate always to a top with that color or a sweater I just they look it looks good on me I know it looks good. I mean I always grab it so you always will see me mostly in those two colors. Your Signature colors can also vary by season. So in the summertime you'll see me often wearing those coral pinks and peaches and salmon colors and peach pinks and you'll also see me wearing those brighter turquoise colors in an TEALS and the summer and warm weather I should say. But why go into cold weather. I really start to drop a lot of the bolder colors and I really feel more at home in creams. Campbell Browns grew charcoal Gray's black for pants. I am a neutrals person all the way I love that look. I don't I always feel it kind of is inappropriate for the warmer weather. But when I get into the colder weather, I start to gravitate towards those mixes of neutrals and you will see me often in cream sweaters and tops and gold jewelry. It's not that I don't wear color. But I definitely gravitate towards those neutral colors. So I'm giving you all these examples about what I wear because I want you to start thinking about what might be your signature colors and kind of think about why is that you feel good at it. Do you feel powerful in those colors? Do you feel more like yourself. I also think about color when when wearing color in creating balance. I don't know if that's necessarily true. But if you are someone that has a very bright, loud personality. I've seen people that enhance that own it and wear bright, brighter, louder clothes and it's perfectly it's perfect. I've also seen people who have that bright sparkly personality but yet wear colors that balance them almost I feel like I do that a lot when I'm feeling like I want to enhance my brighter self. I'll wear brighter colors, but if I'm feeling like I just want to just not really be out there just kind of want to just be me and not really perform You'll find me a lot in the neutrals. Because that's I just feels better for me. So your signature colors they can, they can represent you, they can become an identifier for you, they could become the core self expression, they could be the core color to your wardrobe. In general, if you always wear that color, then you know that that's a color that you can send her other colors around and create all kinds of capsule wardrobes and capsule color palettes and play around with that, and you'll have a lot of clothes that kind of go together. So that's kind of cool, too. And for me, really, it's the true expression of you, the more comfortable you get with wear the color that you just really, really like, the more that you kind of get to be you your true self. And I think that that is a far more comfortable place to be when you stop trying to be someone else's up trying to dress like someone else and just really wear the colors that you really, really like it really resonate with. We'll get back to our topic in just a moment. Are you struggling to figure out what your most flattering colors are? Then take the your color style color analysis quiz at your color style comm slash quiz. That's your color style.com slash quiz. It's free. And it will walk you through three steps with lots of photo examples to help you learn your best colors to go to your color style.com slash quiz. In your color style, there are five signature colors. They are I poppin blushing, grounding power and happy colors then you can learn about these in my book that's by color. There's also a course that's included in the color style membership that has lots of photos and examples and images of the colors that you can refer to so if you're interested in that you can go over to the membership it's your color style.com slash member. And in that membership, there is a course called discover your signature colors and it's included with the membership and it goes pretty deep into each of these five colors and how they will work for you. I'm not going to go into too much depth for each of these because I want to say these four individual episodes that you can dive deeper into what each of these signature colors mean, what statement you might be making when you wear them, how to wear them, and how to identify them for yourself. So I will just very quickly describe them now. And then I hope that you continue to listen and refer to a future episode where we dive a little bit deeper into each of these signature colors. The first one I mentioned is I pop in color. It's kind of like the turquoise and TEALS that I referred to earlier for myself. It's the colors that pick up all the little variations of of hues in your eyes and you can have more than one there's usually a little bit of a range so if you feel that golden brown eyes, you may have some golden yellows and golden brown maybe even living in navy blue in there. If you've got really dark eyes I bet you still there there might be deep brown or dark or black or even like a navy blue rim so there's always little variations in your eyes and those those colors are your IPOP and colors. blushing colors are the colors that are naturally part of your skin tone. They are kind of the colors that you might choose for blush and for lipstick. You may if you don't know you might want to go to a makeup counter that is more professional that you trust to get those colors but those colors can be extremely flattering and very pretty. And that's what I call blushing colors. Your grounding colors are your best neutrals. Those are the colors that you're going to likely find in your eyebrows and hair. And they become very harmonious now if you color your hair gets a little trickier, have a we'll go into that when we get into episode those are grounded colors as your your your best neutrals and really the colors that you might feel most grounded and that's how I feel when I wear my neutrals I feel very grounded in that. very neutral. You have your power colors and those are a lot of fun to talk about and we'll definitely go into more detail with those. Your power colors other colors that you choose to wear that make you feel powerful. You may choose to wear them when you are a job interview, do a presentation, someplace where you want to be seen as the authority or the expert. Maybe you're on zoom calls or you're doing your own videos or whatever but that is your power colors. And then the last one I call happy colors and these the colors that they they may be part of the other four or they may not and they're color that you gravitate towards that may You don't always wear maybe it's not color it's a new color palette you don't like what necessarily wearing it but you always gravitate towards those colors, they bring you joy, for some reason, some memory, some experience doesn't really matter. And so those also should be added into your color palette of your signature colors because we can learn how to wear them and we can learn how to add those to our lives because our signature colors are always about wearing colors. Sometimes it's about how we wrap our world in to those colors as well. So I hope that's given you some things to think about. Start playing around and looking in your wardrobe and identifying those go to colors are those their signature colors are you looking for something more, and we're going to dive deep in future episodes to each of those five signature colors. If you're interested in the membership again, go to your color style.com slash member and I'm Jen backs with your color style.com and thank you so much for listening