Your Color Style

The Characteristics of Color - Part 2 of 3

Jen Vax Season 4 Episode 5

Yesterday, I talked about Chroma and what it means if a color is bright or soft. Today, we learn another reason why a color may not feel right on you. Understanding color can help you to identify if a color will flatter you and belong in your color palette. No visuals here, but I hope you learn something new!

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Hey, it's Jen Vax with And this is part two of a three part series on the characteristics of color yesterday. We talked about chroma. And today we are going to talk about death. Ideally. You want a color to be in alignment with your depth, meaning how light medium or dark? You. Are. You want your colors to be in harmony with that often, even if you've mastered chroma, and you know that. You wear bright colors, best or soft colors best. You still might say, well this color still doesn't look good on me. So I don't understand and it's likely because it's too light or too dark for you for me. I am very fair. I am light when it comes to the definition of light and your color style of light hair eyes and skin light. That means that dark colors. Really dark colors. Don't suit me. I feel like a floating head most of the time. It's just too heavy. Doesn't make him wear them. Sometimes I still do but you should know that based on your coloring and depth certain colors are just simply not going to suit you and I find this actually more true wearing to light of colors the necessarily too dark of colors. So if you're someone that has more medium to deep in Coloring, dark eyes hair or skin medium. Light colors, may wash you out. You might find a brighter blue that you really like that, you think is really pretty and you know that you are bright but this particular blue doesn't work and it's probably them because it is too light. So pay attention to your depth depth of the color means whether it is light or dark, meaning if you take a pure Q Color Purple, pure Hue, if you will. And you add white to it. It's going to lighten it. And if you add black to it, it's going to darken it. This is true for soft or bright colors, right? And so pay attention to you over your overall death and five colors that are in. Harmony with you and in alignment with you something that's too light. If you are really really dark may not work well for you and something that's too dark. When you are very light, may also not work for you. Medium is kind of The Sweet Spot for everyone. So when in doubt just go with medium, but there's a huge range of colors that will look good on you. So pay attention to your death. I just want you guys to know that this we are now in the middle of are, just at the beginning really of our Color palooza, which means we are talking about color for the next several weeks, and we are diving really deep into understanding color and mastering color in the membership. So if you're interested in that, there will be a link where this video is found. And you can check that out and join us because what you're learning out and out here is great, but we are going deep into color Mastery, inside the membership as well. So that interest you please check that out and I will see you. Tomorrow for part 3 of this series. Thanks for watching.