Your Color Style
Your Color Style
The Characteristics of Color - Part 1 of 3
Understanding color can help you to identify if a color will flatter you and belong in your color palette. I hope you learn something new!
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Hey, it's Jen Vax with YourColorStyle.com. This is part one of a three-part series that we are going to be talking about the characteristics of color. Now. You may know the characteristics of a color, but I feel that it's actually really important that we talk about it again, because when you are trying to learn what colors best flatter you and also to learn how to identify. Colors that are going to work well with you or in your color palette, it's, it's good to know the types of colors that you can wear in general. It also will help you identify the colors that may not be exactly in your color palette, but will still work. When you can describe a color that sounds just like how you might describe your own coloring and tone. You are closer to having colors. That flatter you really well. All right, so enough talking, let's talk about today. We are talking about chroma, in my opinion, chroma of a color is almost more important than any other characteristics which we will cover in Parts. 2 & 3, chroma is the brightness of a color. The brightest version of a color means it has high chroma. Mott's a Pure Color. Meaning there's no there's nothing else added so you could have a pure pink appear, blue purple, any Hue you can think of but nothing else is added to it. Meaning no white or black and no other color to mute it, so it's a bright color. Now, if you can wear bright colors really well then in your color style, you fit into the bright category, but if a bright color feels just entirely Too strong, then you're going to want to have a softer color. That doesn't necessarily mean that you fit into the soft color type of your color style. That means that you wear softer more grade muted colors. Better doesn't necessarily mean that, but it does, it might mean that you are light like me in a super bright color may not suit you as well as something that is just toned down. A bit. It has a little white added to it or a little black added to it. It. If you are some that leans, more towards soft, then you're going to want to kind of wear colors that. Aren't as bright. Maybe have a little bit of a grayish or muddy tone to them if you will. And I like the same money because it sounds - but it's the way you might describe a deeper or softer orange. It has kind of a grungy quality to an earthy quality to it. And if you're thinking about cool colors, they may have more of a Dusty or grade color to it. So, knowing and understanding the chroma of a color knowing that it is bright or soft can really help you. You identify if that color is going to suit you. So regardless of temperature, regardless of light and dark right now and all the other characteristics of a color that I share with you, if a color is too bright for you, then it's not a color that's going to suit you regardless of anything else. So soon as you can understand what type of chroma suits you best the that makes that makes a huge difference. So instead of saying I can't wear blue blue. Now. Ever works for me. It might be that the blue is too bright or the blues to gray. If you know nothing else about color. Learn this one because this will also help you identify. What colors are going to help you work best. So we are in The Mists of color Mastery and color palooza in the membership. It's if you love learning about color, if you want to know more about color, if you want to go even deeper To understanding the nuances and subtleties of color join us over in color Mastery. It is a 10-week program. We just started and it is going to be all about color all the time for the next couple of months. And when you are done, you will be a master of color. You will be able to identify. The color is bright or soft muted or grade. And if it's right for you, and if not how to actually make it work for you. Thanks for watching. I'm Jen vax stay. For tomorrow, for part two of this series. That's all about the characteristics of color. Thanks for watching.